We purchased this 1917 Colonial house in Plainfield, NJ, in 2017, a challenging fixer-upper, and we've been reviving it since; Caroline provides the monetary means and I provide the skill and labor. I think this is called sweat equity. The outer shell doesn't require our immediate attention, but on the inside, every visible square inch needs to be changed, and almost all the plumbing and electrical too. The yard and landscaping fun has started only one year ago, but is growing in leaps. We are enjoying this play very much; it is invigorating, challenging and healing on many levels. This web page will be the record of the Before & After, a work in progress, as we have hundreds of pictures to sort, edit and upload. ____
To access the pictures of a given project, click on any thumbnail below.
Our house is now for sale! There will be an OPEN HOUSE on SATURDAY, NOV. 16TH followed by a ''Meet the Owner'' Guided Tour on Sunday 17th by appointment.