Here and Gone Before this eyeless I, Time suddenly stopped flowing; Upstream and downstream folded together In the embrace of an instant, And I could see her exist and incist In a single pulse; Bursting open in form and Swallowed back in the void, In the same breath; Before the I-less eye, The seed and the flower were one, The streaming life suspended In a simultaneous ebb and flow, The door of birth and that of death Sharing the same threshold; My I-less child, Here and gone, Out of time. ekoh © 2015 |
Life Between Your Hands Look at us! Moths fluttering around accidental beacons, Fireflies mesmerized in a jittery dance of flares, Night dogs spellbound by the one-eyed Sphinx; Look at us! Contraptions melting under countless suns, Searching outbound, entangled in snares, Ending up preys of hidden brinks; And yet lies within, The exquisite soothing light, Longing for your sight, The cool fire of life, For you to hold between your hands. ekoh © 2015 |
The Hand that Urges Have you seen the end of the world? Towards colorful horizons my legs carried me Till they could move no more; There was no end but the quaking of my flesh. Through life-bearing waters my arms pulled me Till my lungs could hold no more; There was no end but the seizure of the breath. Into the blaze of passion my blood pulled me Till my nights turned hollow; There was no end but a screaming of my heart. Across the heights of mankind's flights my mind winged me Till its wings grew entangled; There was no end but the dead-ends in the maze of thought. From reaching the end, I was held back, From falling over the cliff, I was kept; What is that hand that guards? And yet, Out of the slumber of the known, I was shaken, Out of the safety of the nest, I was goaded, What is that hand that urges? ekoh © 2015 |
From I to Eye
You know of one birth, A choiceless coming; The flesh unfolding Between sky and earth. You know of one birth, A shunning of death; Relying on breath, Longing for worth. You know of one birth, Which opens your eyes On your life as a prize Between fill and dearth. But there is a birth, Which is yours by choice, For your soul to rejoice Beyond fill and dearth. A coming to be, Which opens the eye With a deathless sigh Upon a shadowless sea. Close your eyes And you may see; A withering I, A turning key… ekoh © 2015 |