There are countless paths to open or to follow, but only one direction home.
When you acknowledge the grave you have dug for yourself, you may move beyond it.
- What are the ways to liberation? - There are 10 000 ways to liberation, but for you, there is only one.
On your way to yourself, tread quietly and carefully, but always in immediacy.
Must you come to meet yourself, come hungry. Must you come to see yourself, come blind. Must you come to find yourself, stay where you are.
It is not for the apple tree to bend down to the hungry man. It is not for the river to run toward the thirsty woman.
The apple tree strives to feed the hungry. The river is drawn to the thirsty.
Longing for the scent of the flower doesn't make the bud bloom.
Swimming upstream you will not find the river's source.
Following the train of thoughts, you will not reach your destination.
The soul does not feed on gold and ashes.
Effortlessness is the fruit of a long and sincere effort.
From the seed to the bud, the effort the struggle; Suddenly, the flower blooms in the sun, and beauty and fragrance abound, effortlessly.
Wether you journey upstream or downstream, you may find the Source, as long as you drink from within.
The Ego is too shallow a well: its stagnant waters are a cesspool where nest the germs of love, fear, anger, pleasure, desire and hate. Leave this well; make the journey towards the Source, in open air, and bathe naked in its ever fresh and clear flowing.
The spiritual tourist looks for a herd to join; he follows the beaten path, his hands in his pockets, wearing on is feet the shoes of curiosity and interest. The true seeker takes off his shoes of interest and curiosity, rips off his pockets, and invests each step of his journey with the commitment and urgency of a man facing imminent Death.
Each fruit you eat from the tree of life now will nourish you tenfold the fruits that you may have tucked away for tomorrows.
On your journey to the light, travel light; That which your hands can hold is not worth dragging along, and that which you can hold in your thoughts will foil your step.