It is above as it is below; it is within as it is without; I and thou are not two. _______
Belief is made of the same stuff as ego. _______
I can exist only as a slit between Heaven and Earth. _______
I am division. _______
Sensitivity is the sincerity of one to oneself; Insensitivity is the self hiding in fear. _______
Ego is thought echoing itself. _______
To know friends from foes, search in the light of reason. To find the lover, search in the light of your heart. To find yourself, stop searching. _______
Ego is the temple of the holy Unconsciousness; it is built with the stones of Desire and the mortar of Fear. Its shepherds are dressed in golden cloaks of Ignorance, and their congregation is sleep-walking between Birth and Death. _______
Religion leaders are the sleeping shepherds of their grazing sheep-walkers. _______