Experience doesn’t Mean anything; it is Whole in itself. _______
The bottomless Mind feeds on Meaning, and remains famished. _______
Experience is not what was, nor is it what will be; Experience is always Now, Experience is the very fabric of Isness. _______
Experience is the expression of Isness, like the flower is the expression of the seed. _______
If you do not read that which is beyond the book, it is the book that is writing you. _______
The movement of Thought brings about friction, and friction is a factor of aging; that which sees this is outside the brain and beyond entropy. _______
The Mind races and gets nowhere; the Heart lies still and is Now Here. _______
Psychology is a misnomer - it isn't the understanding of the soul, but the study of induced behaviors and the formation of personality, of ego; therefore it should be called egology. The way of the Buddha is the only true psychology. _______
The experience you speak of is known as such through remembrance; it is always too late. _______
Thought turns every Now into a Then, and every Then into a Shall. _______
Give them the book to read and they will claim they only need the nutshell; start with the nutshell and they will need the book to crack it open. _______
The world of the mind is a flat land; whichever path you take will lead you to a cliff. Run avidly in all directions, wholeheartedly search for the land's edge, search for it's center, until this land is but a grain of sand under your foot... then soar. _______
You sleep between sunset and sunrise, and you dream between sunrise and sunset. _______
He only lives in a dream who sighs over things past and wishes for things to come. _______
Thoughts are but dust and wind, lingering footprints and longing horizons. _______
The sleeping soul is the alchemist of his own dream; searching for gold but leaving only ashes in his wake. _______
Meaning is the embarrassed gesticulation of the fearful Mind and the infantile cry of the hollow heart. _______
Meaning is the subtitle for a life misunderstood. _______
Thought is a mirror only to itself. _______
Anything you think you see, anything you think you know is not It, for that is the product of thought; Thought and is-ness are mutually exclusive; Is-ness is everything that thought cannot touch. _______
Identification is the surest path to Misery. _______
Should you move out of your Mind, move beyond it, not beneath it. _______
True Intelligence is the Mind's manifestation of Lovingness. _______
True Intelligence is the Ouroboros of Understanding and Compassion. _______
Minding is a bridge between the physical and the non-physical. The toll you pay to use this bridge at any moment, is not being aware that you are using it. _______
Knowledge is a rotten egg of which ego is the shell. _______
Thought is to consciousness as is a candle light to the moonless night. _______
When you claim to Know yourself, who is the one with the knowledge? _______
Self-Knowledge implies a separation between the knower and the known, the subject and the object; which one are you? _______